Interior Painting Service Quality You Can Count On
- Communication: We explain the entrie painting process and keep you informed from the initial consultation to the finished product.
- Professionalism: We live and breathe customer excellence and remain dedicated to your painting project.
- Five-Star Job Quality: Pedigree gets your painting project done right and efficiently the first time.
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Commercial Painting
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New Construction
Custom Wallpaper
No headaches, no mess or damage. Only outstanding service.
Fraser Valley Award Winning Painting Company
SCHEDULE A QUOTEHear What Our Cients Have To Say
Pedigree was very professional right off the bat and helped me with the decision from beginning to end. Everything was clean, everything was put away. I would recommend someone to Pedicure Painting based on their professionalism, and their speed of work.
One unexpected benefit that I had from using Pedigree were their desig n services. They were able to guide me and help me choose the colours that they thought would work best, as I had no idea which direction to go.
Nancy B.
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We offer free on-site consultations to understand your vision and we discuss the best options. This is then followed up with a detailed quote outlining all expectations of the project. Get outstanding service with Pedigree Painting.